Bookseller Catalogs

Maritime Books

By Buddenbrooks, Inc.

Maritime Books Books on Pirates, Sailing Ships, Navies and Naval Officers, Merchants, Whaling, Shipwrecks and more!

185-A: Advances in Science Optics & Microscopy

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

185-A: Advances in Science Optics & Microscopy JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #185-A: We have recently acquired the optics & microscopy library of a private collector. This the second catalogue offering more highlights from this collection. [66 items]

How to request a print version: Catalogues or subscriptions available on request. Contact us to be added to the mailing list.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

172: MEDICAL CABINET JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #172: THIS is the first of a two-part catalogue featuring both recent acquisitions and highlights from stock. Many excellent bargains can be had with this selection. Item 6 is the first French work on the ophthalmoscope [Anagnostakis, 1854], Baillou [10] is an early study of rheumatism and arthritis, [13] Beddoes is a beautiful copy as is [25] Bernard. Anesthesia from 1847 is found in Bigelow [30], Blackmore [32] treats tuberculosis in 1724, [33] Blanco is the first description of the flora of the Philippines (owned by Howard Sprague Reed). Cesalpino [57] gives an important account of the discovery of blood circulation in 1571/1593. One of the great rarities in medicine is the first edition of Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year, 1722 [73]. Glisson [107] is the first printing of childhood Rickets in 1650. There is more medicine in the cabinet… [197 items]

How to request a print version: Catalogues or subscriptions available on request. Contact us to be added to the mailing list.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

171: FOR THE LOVE OF BOOKS [FAUST] JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #171: Early printed books, bibliography, fine printing, Californiana, economics, Law, military, literature, Americana, philosophy, religion, poetry, bookbindings.

How to request a print version: Catalogues or subscriptions available on request. Contact us to be added to the mailing list.

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